30 DOL for The Five People You Meet in Heaven | Secondary Daily Oral Language
30 DOL Paragraphs for The Five People You Meet in Heaven | Secondary Daily Oral Language Grammar and Mechanics Daily Exercise | Middle and High School
This bundle of goodness pairs perfectly with Mitch Albom's novel. BEFORE you purchase this DOL --pop over and peek at my ten week unit for The Five People You Meet in Heaven, which includes this resource along with all daily lesson plans and oodles of other resources! Find it here:
I start every class period with this DOL exercise when teaching The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Each paragraph aligns with the novel and reinforces comprehension by referring to the major themes and central characters.
I have the DOL printed out in packets and each student has his or her own copy. As a bell-ringer, students correct each paragraph on their own, then I project it onto the whiteboard and correct it with them (or have a student come to the board to do corrections.) When we do final corrections together, I have them use a colored marker so I can easily glance at their papers and see what they're getting on their own vs. how much help they need from me. Then, once a week a DOL paragraph is used as a quiz and formative grade.
Teacher KEY is included!
Many thanks and much love,