Year-Long ELA Curriculum Grades 9-12 | Two Non-Fiction + Two Novel Study Units | High School English Unit 36 Weeks | Instant Download PDF
Year-Long High School English Language Arts Bundle: Four Comprehensive Units: Instantly Download Your PDF Upon Purchase
Are you overwhelmed with endless lesson planning?
- How much is your valuable time worth to you?
- How many evenings and weekends have you sacrificed writing lesson plans instead of enjoying quality time with friends and family?
- How many hours of unpaid overtime do you put in every week to prepare engaging lessons?
If you're ready to reclaim your personal time and enjoy a work-life balance, this comprehensive year-long secondary ELA bundle is the solution.
Save HUNDREDS of hours with this meticulously crafted bundle, which includes 36 weeks of detailed lesson plans aligned with ELA Common Core Standards for grades 9-12. This bundle features two novel units and two non-fiction SEL-oriented life skills units, designed to engage even the most reluctant learners and adaptable for both classroom and online learning.
Why Trust My Curriculum?
With over 14 years of secondary classroom experience and endorsements from the Colorado Department of Education and NY Times bestselling author and positive psychology expert Shawn Achor, my passion is designing relevant, rigorous, and life-changing curriculum. This bundle will not only transform your students' lives but also give you back your precious planning time.
What's Inside This Bundle? Here's a Brief Overview:
Unit 1: 11-Week Non-Fiction Life Skills Unit
Based on Jay McGraw's Life Strategies for Teens (McGraw's text is required and used copies of his book can be found on Amazon for around one dollar.)
- 11 weeks of daily lesson plans for Life Strategies for Teens with CCSS for grades 9-12
- Comprehension questions, pre/post assessments
- Engaging argumentative essay unit based on the law of attraction
- 20 paragraph prompts on integrity, kindness, discipline, and more
Unit 2: 12-Week Non-Fiction Life Skills Unit
Teaching Happiness: Habits of Happy, Healthy Teens (Web-Based--No Text Book is Required)
- 100+ links to videos and articles on happiness, neuroscience, mindfulness, and more
- Daily lesson plans for 12 weeks, adaptable for distance learning
- Final project to teach and inspire peers on happiness
Unit 3: 8-Week Novel Unit
Based on Mitch Albom's Beloved Best-Selling Novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven
- 40 daily lesson plans with CCSS for grades 9-12
- Comprehensive comprehension questions, essay prompts
- Creative projects and summary writing prompts
Unit 4: 6-Week Novel Unit
Based on Mitch Albom's Novel The Time Keeper
- 30 days of detailed daily lesson plans
- Chapter review questions, essay prompts, and mini-lessons
Bonus Offers
Bonus 1: Project-Based Learning Unit
ChangeMaker or Passion Project
- Engage students in solving real-world problems
- Develop mission statements, research summaries, and creative writing
Bonus 2: FREE eBook - Birdseed: A Guide to Teaching Emotional Intelligence
- Endorsed by the Colorado Department of Education and Shawn Achor
- 365 inspirational quotes to foster character development
Why This Bundle?
I have designed and revised these units over the course of several years, and I'm confident this year-long secondary ELA curriculum will not only meet your teaching needs but exceed them. It’s designed to save you time, engage your students, and provide a comprehensive educational experience that promotes both academic and personal growth. These units are truly teacher-tested and student-approved!
Reclaim your evenings and weekends and share relevant, inspirational, and challenging curriculum with your students. Download this bundle today and transform your classroom tomorrow.
Take a Closer Look Inside Each of the Four ELA Units:
This 37 week mega bundle is comprised of my best-selling ELA/Life Skills units, and all units include detailed daily lesson plans aligned with ELA Common Core Standards for grades 9-12.
This bundle contains high quality material that has been designed to engage even the most reluctant learners, and the curriculum can be used in the classroom or easily adapted to online/distance learning.
The two non-fiction units within this bundle will allow you to explicitly target the social-emotional domain, which will significantly strengthen your students' life skills and meta-cognitive growth.
The two inspirational novel units included within this bundle address universal themes that will empower and motivate your students to live their best lives.
UNIT 1 DESCRIPTION: 11 Week Non-Fiction Life Skills Unit:
This first unit requires the non-fiction anchor text by Jay McGraw: Life Strategies for Teens. (You can find used copies of Life Strategies for Teens online for less than a dollar.)
- 11 weeks of detailed daily lesson plans with Common Core Standards for grades
9-12 on each lesson plan.
- Comprehension questions for each chapter in Life Strategies for Teens
- Pre/Post assessment on concepts in text
- 60 DOL Paragraphs + teacher/student KEY
- "What the Heck is a Clause" handout
- Anticipation guide/activity
- Two reflective essay structure guides
- Exemplar essay
- Reflective essay rubric
- Exit ticket
- Reflection feedback handout
- Argumentative essay unit based on docudrama film: The Secret
- Film comprehension questions (27)
- Argumentative essay structure guide
- Exemplar argumentative essay
Argumentative essay rubric
- TWENTY paragraph prompts (two for each topic) related to:
Positive Thinking
Goal-Oriented Mindset
- Each prompt includes a short color-coded structure guide for reference and suggestions to help struggling writers with content and organization (can be edited out for experienced writers).
- Highlighted advanced vocabulary (can be edited out for experienced readers/writers)
- An Editor’s Checklist
- 4-Point Paragraph Rubric
- One Exemplar Paragraph
- Related Common Core Standards for Grades 7,8, + 9/10
For a FREE SAMPLE of this unit, download the Habit Loop Lesson Plan free from my shop HERE
UNIT 2 DESCRIPTION: 12 Week Non-Fiction Life Skills Unit : Web-Based--No Book Required
Teaching Happiness: Habits of Happy, Healthy Teens
*Internet Access is Required for Guided Research
More Than 300 Pages of Resources:
Within this unit students will be directed to follow more than 100 links to short videos, such as Ted Talks, and articles on the topic of happiness. BRIEF TEACHER SUMMARIES FOR EACH TEXT ARE INCLUDED, SO THERE'S NO NEED TO SPEND TIME READING/WATCHING THEM ALL YOURSELF!
Students are exposed to various perspectives from authorities in the fields of neuroscience, personal development, mindfulness, Positive Psychology, and emotional intelligence.
The final assignment in this project-based unit is for students to reflect on what they've learned and present a project to their peers that teaches and inspires others on the art and science of happiness.
The unit is structured around 70-90 minute class periods over the course of 12 weeks, but you can alter the daily lesson plans to fit your needs and time frame. Again, this could also be used at home for distance learning.
The majority of the work is completed independently, so this unit could easily be used for Independent Study credit (It's aligned with ELA Common Core Standards grades 9-12.), or simply used a self-paced curriculum in the classroom. To support whole group instruction, there is a guided weekly chat group activity wherein students can collaborate on their learning and final project.
Detailed daily lesson plans are included, which include the CCS for grades 9-12 on each and every day's plan.
This means, zero planning, unless of course you'd like to alter the content to suit your needs.
The unit is divided into seven sections that address healthy habits associated with joy and well-being. They are as followed:
1) Reexamine Your Role: Texts within this section explore the meaning and formation of identity and the possibility of recreating roles that better serve one’s self.
2) Master Your Mind ~ Manage Your Emotions: Texts within this section analyze the interdependent relationship between psychological wellness and healthy behaviors; emphasis is placed on the idea that changing outer reality requires a shift in inner reality.
3) Create Your Purpose: Texts within this section address the importance and process of recognizing strengths and interests and aligning them with a sense of purpose.
4) Plan & Pave Your Path: Texts within this section speak to the importance of creating short and long-term goals while developing discipline and taking action.
5) Contribute Your Gifts: Texts within this section emphasize the importance and benefits of service and altruism.
6) Love Yourself: Texts within this section provide strategies to develop self-awareness, self-love, and healthy relationships.
7) Commit to Happiness: Texts within this section reinforce the understanding that happiness is a conscious choice and a habituated way of being. Choosing and committing to daily habits that foster happiness is the foundation for long term well-being and success.
In addition to the master PDF document, you will be provided with a link to a student Google Doc, which allows them to easily access the curriculum and links to online videos and articles.
- Unit Introduction
- 14 Week Unit Calendar
- 100 + Teacher Summaries for Unit Texts
- About the Author
- Anticipation Activity
- Exit Ticket #1
- Pre/Post Assessment
- Weekly Chat Group Overview and Student Handouts
- Daily Oral Language Introduction (DOL)
- What the Heck is a Clause Handout
- Student DOL (60 DOL Paragraphs)
- Student Introduction to Unit
- Student Unit Checklist
- Sample Summary & Reflection Paragraph
- Summary Rubric
- Mind Map Activity Guide
- Mind Map Rubric
- Reflective Essay Rubric
- Teaching Happiness Project Rubric
- Teaching Happiness Presentation Rubric
- Exit Ticket #2
- Final Project Guidelines
- Essay Structure Guides
- Final Student Reflection Handout
- Happiness Habits Check List Handout
- Student Links to Research Healthy Habits
- Journal Reflection Prompts on Healthy Habits
Few novels are as engaging--especially to reluctant readers--as The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom.
Students find the major themes in this novel relevant in their own lives, and in my 12 years of teaching, I have yet to have a student who hasn't enjoyed and learned from this text.
***You will download this unit in PDF format. I realize some teachers prefer Google Docs, so I have also included a link within the PDF to the unit in Google Doc format. Please note, for copyright protection, the Google Doc version of the unit is "view only." However, I have offered the student resources and assignments (a separate 60 page doc) in an editable doc, so students can complete and submit all assignments conveniently within Google Docs.
- Forty daily lesson plans for 45 minute class periods with Common Core
Standards grades 9-12 on each lesson plan
- Anticipation guide (5 group discussion prompts)
- Final Exam/ Comprehensive Comprehension Questions (20 questions)
- Three essay prompts with three essay structure guides with sentences stems and sample introductions and conclusions
- 30 DOL (daily oral language) paragraphs + Teacher Key + clause handout
- Three creative project choices
- Five "section summary" writing prompts
- Essay rubric
- Summary rubric
- Literary term guide (blank: students must complete after reading novel)
+ Teacher key
- Reading comprehension strategies handout
Upon purchase, you will download a 145 page PDF with a link to a 145 page Google Doc.
Within the master teacher resource document, you will have a link to an editable student Google Doc with all student resources. Students will be able to make their own copies and complete/submit their assignments via Google Docs.
- Unit Assignment Overview
- Anticipation Guide & Discussion Questions
- Prologue Introductory Activity
- Chapter Review Questions for 80 Chapters
- Teacher Key for Chapter Review Questions
- Multiple Mini Lessons and Activities Related to Themes in Novel With Teacher Keys
- Multiple Paragraph Prompts Related to Themes in Novel
- Multiple Exemplar Paragraphs
- Paragraph Rubric
- Final Novel Reflection Questions
- Literary Terms and Elements Activity w/Teacher Key
- Three Essay Prompts
- Three Essay Structure Guides/One for Each prompt
- Exemplar Essay/Five Paragraph
- Essay Rubric
- Bonus Mini-Lessons and Activities
6 Weeks/30 Days detailed Daily Lesson Plans Aligned With ELA CCS Grades 9-12
Watch this preview video on YouTube to peek inside the novel unit for The Five People You Meet in Heaven :
Watch this preview video on YouTube to peek inside the novel unit for The Time Keeper:
♥ ♥ ♥ BONUS OFFER ♥ ♥♥
Project-Based Learning Unit | ChangeMaker or Passion Project Secondary Unit: This engaging student-centered unit is designed to inspire middle and high school students to become genuine ChangeMakers in the world. Resources can be used for project-based learning, independent study, or secondary ELA credit.
Within this ChangeMaker project, students are guided to:
- Brainstorm and identify a problem they are passionate about solving or alleviating
- Create and submit project proposal
- Write a mission statement
- Research, summarize, and reflect upon informational texts (sample summary and reflection provided)
- Develop a creative writing assignment (six options offered)
- Collaborate with peers for weekly chat groups (chat group role descriptions are provided along with tasks and templates to record info.)
- Create and present final project (multiple options are shared along with exemplar)
In addition to a 20 page Power Point PDF, you will receive:
- Links to videos to help students better understand the role of a ChangeMaker
- Link to my FREE exemplar ChangeMaker project/Powerpoint, which demonstrates what a final project might look like
- Link to download my FREE ChangeMaker 12 x 18 poster
- Link to download my four FREE graphic organizers to help students brainstorm ideas for their projects
- Common Core ELA Standards for grades 9-12
Once this bundle is downloaded, you will be directed to receive your FREE eBook: Birdseed: A Guide to Teaching Emotional Intelligence in the Primary & Secondary Classroom: Daily Activity to Foster Social-Emotional Development & Personal Growth.
Birdseed is endorsed by The Colorado Department of Education, by positive psychology guru and best-selling NY Times author Shawn Achor, and by psychologists, teachers, and students worldwide.
Inside, you'll find a collection of THE BEST 365 inspirational quotes, (organized by theme for quick reference) along with a novel way to use them on a daily basis in any classroom to foster character development. This is an activity (referred to as "Birdseed") every secondary teacher can use to create an environment conducive to authentic learning (Have a closer peek at Birdseed in my store.).