The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Pre and Post-Assessment Free Resource | PDF Instant Download

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Free resource from my 14 week unit based on Sean Covey's text: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens


The following self-assessment is essentially a front-loading activity that gives students an overview of the concepts addressed in the 14-week unit based on Sean Covey’s text The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. Reviewing the principles prior to reading Covey’s book aids in comprehension, as it helps students anticipate the text. 

The self-assessment also fosters metacognition by prompting students to think about the way they think.

You can have students complete this as a pre-assessment before beginning the unit and then again when they’ve finished the book as a reflection activity and post-assessment, which will serve to reinforce the concepts and allow them (and you) to see growth.

The comprehensive 14-week unit has been refined over the course of several years, and it’s no exaggeration to say the resources will save you 100+ hours of planning time. Why spend your precious weekends and evenings writing lesson plans when the work is already done for you?

As a secondary teacher who has worked with at-risk youth for much of my career, I am emphatically passionate about addressing the social-emotional domain and embedding empowering, inspirational, and relevant material into my unit plans. I have meticulously crafted lessons that are engaging and universally relevant to secondary students, regardless of demographics.


After working across a broad academic spectrum for more than a decade, from alternative programs to private international schools, I’m acutely aware of the desperate need students have for validation, purpose, inspiration, guidance, and hope, and my SEL-oriented units are crafted with this in mind. One of my most memorable reviews for the unit came from a teacher who sent me a personal email to share that he felt the material in this unit had saved one of his student’s lives. It was a powerful reminder of the influence we, as teachers, can have on our students.

In addition to the 14-week unit I’ve created based on Covey’s text, I have designed a similar 14-week unit that does not require a textbook (it’s all web-based) titled Teaching Happiness. This engaging and inspirational unit is aligned with ELA CCSS grades 9-12 and teaches life skills while fostering meta-cognition, strengthening emotional intelligence, and equipping students with the skills necessary to be happy and successful within and well beyond the classroom. You can find this on my website alongside other SEL-oriented resources.

Thank you again for visiting my shop, and thank you for choosing texts that transform students’ lives.