100 Day Printable Goal Planner: Instant Download
100 Day Guided Goal Planner: Secondary Resource
Designed for Secondary Students and Adults!
Size: 8.5 x 11"
109 Printable Black and White Pages
This printable goal planner is ideal to use as a daily writing exercise, bell-ringer, or writing warm up for secondary ELA, Life Skills, Vocational Skills, ACE, Career & Tech Ed classes, or homeschool.
This guided journal prompts students to identify the what, why, and how related to their most important goals. See product preview for interior view.
This resource pairs perfectly with my 14 week Teaching Happiness: Healthy habits for Happy Teens unit and my 14 week Life Strategies unit found in my shop.
I introduce this resource to students by emphasizing: Studies show that on average, 80% of people don't have clear goals; 16% of people have goals, but don't write them down; 3% of people write their goals down but don't revisit them, and only 1% write down their goals and reflect on them daily. That 1% reflects those who actively commit to their success and happiness and THRIVE. The bottom line: Writing things down daily equates to getting things done! This sounds simple, because it is, but its simplicity doesn't negate its power.